• Nairobi Kenya
  • +254 722 921 949

School Going Children Affected by Cancer

School going children suffering from cancer, those whose parents are suffering from cancer and those orphaned by cancer experience many challenges.They lack many basic needs including food,school fees, learning material, clothing, blankets and mattresses too.

Our foundation aims to give these children a hope for a better future by ensuring they remain in school and they can learn without interruption. We aim to provide them with basic things that they need in order to have wholesome growth and development like other children .

We want to ensure these suffering and innocent children are not denied their fundamental human right to education.

Give this group of children a hope for a better future by sending your donation through our PayPal page or by sending directly to ‘Six Bridges Foundation’ Account on the Donation Page.

Having Trouble Giving? Call or Text +254 722 921 949